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TUP Manila Faculty Association

It shall be the aim of the Association to serve as the catalyst in effecting and attaining progressive changes in the TUP – Manila campus.

The Faculty Association shall:

Safeguard the member’s individual and collective professional rights in accordance with applicable laws;

Work in cooperation with the University administration in the formulation and/or implementation of policies, plans, projects, or measures designed to improve the standards of the institution;

Uphold the dignity of the teaching profession by helping create a climate of excellence through the encouragement and recognition of achievements of professional growth and development;

Promote the social, moral, and economic well-being of the members;

Negotiates the Collective Agreement with the TUP Management;

Promotes Faculty Interests (Grievances);

Represent the Faculty in the Councils of the University;

Speaks for the Academic Staff in the Public Forum.

TUP – Manila Faculty Association is the CSC accredited association.