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College Of Industrial Education Page

College Of Industrial Education


The roots of the College of Industrial Education (CIE) can be traced in 1929 when the first formal two-year Industrial Teacher Education was offered at the then Philippine School of Arts and Trades. At present, the college serves as the foundation of teacher education in the University. The BS in Industrial Education program at CIE has been offered since 1951 as a four-year teacher education for elementary and secondary levels. Currently, CIE is composed of four departments, namely: Professional Industrial Education, Student Teaching, Technical Arts, and Home Economics.


The College of Industrial Education commits itself to develop highly competent teachers/trainors, leaders, managers, and innovators in industrial and technology education and training, as well as industry through responsive and relevant programs and proactive human resources in an environment of change.


  • Improve effectiveness of instruction, research, management, administration, information systems and procedures to make the College responsive and relevant to the needs of the society
  • Enhance partnership with industry, public, and NGOs to support efforts for life long learning
  • Achieve financial viability and sustainability to augment operational resources
  • Strengthen the core values of excellence, commitment, cooperation, hard work, scholarship, creativity, resourcefulness and teamwork among teachers and students
  • Achieve third level accreditation for both graduate and undergraduate programs