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COS and CAFA withstand AACCUP reaccreditation

The Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc. reaccredits various programs being offered by the College of Science (COS) and College of Architecture and Fine Arts (CAFA) of the Technological University of the Philippines (TUP) - Manila begins September 9 and ends on the 12th, 2024.   

Accreditation activities remind the commitment of the institution to excellence and the high professional standards of operation. This excellence is achieved through an ongoing process of learning and improvement, one of the core reasons why TUP submits to AACCUP, a non-profit and non-stock accreditation organization in the Philippines, which accredits curricular programs particularly that of states universities and colleges.

Among the programs undergo reaccreditation are Bachelor of Science in Information System (BSIS), Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT), Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (BSES) of COS, also, Bachelor of Science in Architecture (BSA) of CAFA. All these programs face Third Survey, Phase 2 visit in the quest for Level IV status.

The current Deans of the two colleges namely, Dr. Joshua T. Soriano (COS) and Ar. Elpidio T. Balais Jr. (CAFA), together with all the program and accreditation coordinators and the rest of the TUP community who partake embrace the challenges of the reaccreditation process in consonance with the TUP’s pursuit in becoming a premiere state university, under the leadership of Dr. Reynaldo P. Ramos, TUP President, who firmly gives credence to
upholding quality education and for the improvement of the University through accreditation.