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AACCUP reaccredits CIT programs anew

The College of Industrial Technology (CIT) of the Technological University of the Philippines (TUP) faces reaccreditation from the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc. with its 17 programs, 3 of which come from the old curriculum, while the 14 programs come from the new curriculum in a weeklong period, October 14-19, 2024 survey visit.

Accreditation is not a one-time event, but it is an ongoing process. The TUP system with the programs it offers maintains its accreditation status by demonstrating continued compliance with the standards and criteria set by the accrediting agency- AACCUP. Specifically, CIT which after various changes of nomenclatures, contents, structures of different programs and global pandemic get back to track to satisfy the requirements set forth before the scheduled visit of the Accreditors from AACCUP.

The following are the programs under 4th Survey, Phase II, in CIT’s pursuit to acquire Level 4 status:


  1. Under the Old Curriculum, Bachelor of Technology (BT):
  2. BT in Apparel and Fashion Technology (BT AFT)
  1. BT in Culinary Technology (BT CLT)
  1. BT in Print Media Technology (BT PMT)
  1. and, under the New Curriculum
  2. Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BET):
  1. BET in Computer Engineering Technology (BET CPET)
  1. BET in Construction Technology (BET CT)
  1. BET in Dies and Moulds Technology (BET DMT)
  1. BET in Electrical Technology (BET ET)
  1. BET in Electronics Communications Technology (BET ECT)
  1. BET in Electronics Technology (BET EST)
  1. BET in Instrumentation and Control Technology (BET InCT)
  1. BET in Mechanical Technology (BET MT)

BET MT with options in:

Automotive Technology (BET AT)

  1. (a) Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning-Refrigeration Technology (BET HVAC-RT)
  2. (b) Power Plant Technology (BET PPT)
  3.  (c) Welding Technology (BET WT)
  1. BET in Mechatronics Technology (BET MecT)
  1. BET in Railway Technology (BET RT)

Prof. Elpidio S. Virrey, Dean of CIT, together with all the program and accreditation coordinators and the rest of the TUP community who take ownership of shared responsibility embrace the challenges of the reaccreditation process pursuant to TUP’s aspiration in becoming a premiere state university. The TUP President, Dr. Reynaldo P. Ramos, upholds that through accreditation, quality education and the improvement of the University can be achieved and sustained.