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Faculty Reclassification under JC3 Oath Taking Ceremony

On June 10, 2024, the IRTC Conference Hall was abuzz with excitement and pride as esteemed faculty members gathered for their reclassification under JC3 and the subsequent oath-taking ceremony. This event marked a significant milestone in the careers of these dedicated educators, acknowledging their hard work, expertise, and commitment to academic excellence.

The ceremony commenced at 08:00 AM, with an inspirational message from Engr. Reynaldo P. Ramos, the University President. Engr. Ramos highlighted the importance of the JC3 classification, emphasizing how it reflects the faculty members' enhanced roles and responsibilities within the academic community. He applauded their continuous pursuit of excellence and their pivotal role in shaping the institution's future.

Oath-Taking Ceremony: The faculty members participated in an oath-taking ceremony. Led by Atty. Christopher M. Mortel, the Human Resources Management Services, the oath underscored the faculty's commitment to uphold the highest standards of teaching, research, and service. The solemn event reinforced the values of integrity, dedication, and the pursuit of knowledge.

The reclassification under JC3 and the oath-taking ceremony was a memorable event that celebrated the achievements and future potential of our faculty members. It served as a reminder of the institution's commitment to fostering an environment of academic excellence and professional growth. The newly reclassified faculty members are now poised to take on their enhanced roles with renewed vigor and dedication, contributing significantly to the institution's mission of excellence in education.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the reclassified faculty members and look forward to their continued success and contributions to our academic community.