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UNVEILING EXCELLENCE: Electronics Technician Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Licensure Examination Passers

The recently concluded April 2024 Electronics Technician (ECT) licensure exam results were released on April 17, 2024, lo and behold, the TUPians did it again. TUP Visayas with 67 passers out of 72 examinees (93.06%) and TUP Manila 92 out of 111 (82.88%) were among the top performing schools that secured the first and the fourth spot respectively. Raising the College of Industrial Technology’s flag, six (6) examinees from the Electronics Engineering Technology department successfully etched their names on the roster: Calma, Elji Sus A. (BET-ECET), Duron, Evanderic (BET-ESET), Fernando, Diana Mavis (BET-ESET), Leal, John Paul S. (BET-ESET), Llaguno, Kyla Marie Elyze (BET-ESET) and Ysibido, Mary Zen R. (BET-ECET).

Meanwhile, from the university passing percentage of 79.31%, 64.28% (9 out of 14) joined the list of ECT professionals in the August 2023 ECT board exam. Successful takers from CIT are as follows: Agana, Jayvee C., Angeles, Raniel Matthew L., Cabug, Leah May N., Huliganga, Vincent Ryan R., Magat, Antonio Marco M., Moslares, Kent Peter G., Pacheco, Allysha, Quiber, Jonathan M., and Tupaz, Jose Jericho Adrienne IV Tomada. All passers were under the Bachelor of Engineering Technology major in Electronics Engineering Technology (BET-ESET) program.

Once again, the TUPians unveiled and exemplified the spirit of excellence, hard-work, and dedication. To our dear alumni, may you continue to serve as a beacon of inspiration to those who come behind you and a ray of positivity and hope to those in your respective spheres. Congratulations!