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TUP and UP Open University start a new chapter as they form a collaborative academic partnership.

Technological University of the Philippines and the University of the Philippines Open University formed an academic cooperation through the ceremonial signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on March 25 at Tokyo University for Foreign Studies (TUFS), headed by the TUP President, Engr. Reynaldo P. Ramos, PhD, EnP, and the UPOU Chancellor, Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria.

The memorandum outlines the basis for working in a variety of essential domains that will foster growth and development for both parties. Some areas mentioned include: Extensive Research Collaboration, Consultation or Expert Services, Collaboration through Student Internships, Faculty and Staff Mobility, Joint International Seminars, and Research Conferences, Symposia, and Workshops. With this, TUP and UPOU further demonstrate how critical it is to collaborate to improve academic performance both locally and globally.

Representatives from both institutions, including staff, students, and faculty, attended the ceremonial signing, demonstrating the institutions' commitment to working together to achieve their shared goals.

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Written by Sigrid Mancao | TPA