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TUPM QMR Passes IRCA ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Certification

The Top Management of the Technological University of the Philippines Manila is all out with its support to the ongoing ISO 9001:2015 certification initiatives. It has allotted 5 MPhP worth of budget through the TUP Three-Year Development Plan 2016-2018 just to ensure that the project has enough financial resources in order for it to be delivered on time. Moreover, the Top Management also invested a lot of efforts in identifying the perfect-fit talents, and in honing their knowledge and skills by providing them with specialized training courses and expert consultation services to sustain all certification-related activities.

Last September 5-9, 2016, TUP Manila sent two (2) officials to an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) Lead Auditor Training Course (LATC) facilitated by TUV Rheinland, a German-Third Party ISO Accrediting Body at TUV Rheinland Philippines, Makati City. This accelerated five (5)-day course was designed to equip the participants with knowledge, skills, and competency to effectively manage QMS and successfully conduct first, second, and third party audits. Specifically, the course contents satisfy requirements of the international standard for auditor training and qualification ISO 19011.

Out of total six (6) participants, Dr. Ralph Sherwin A. Corpuz, Director of Quality Assurance and the Quality Management Representative (QMR) of TUP Manila, was among the only three (3) participants who successfully passed the said course. Based on the results of continuous and final examination, Dr. Corpuz has achieved 81.11% passing rate, which vouches that he has demonstrated achievement of the required understanding of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, and the conduct of quality system audits following a rigorous written examination.

For successfully completing the requirements of the LATC, Dr. Corpuz was recently awarded with an ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor certificate by TÜV Rheinland Akademie GmbH from Cologne, Germany, duly certified by the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA). IRCA is the world’s original and largest international auditor certification body based in London, United Kingdom, and is the Governing Board to ISO 9001:2015 Series standards.

With this certification, Dr. Corpuz has successfully acquired the world standard of competence to effectively manage, develop, improve, and audit Quality Management Systems (QMS) not just for TUP Manila, but also for second, and third parties. As certified quality auditor, he is now entitled with an opportunity of joining the small circle of internationally-recognized quality professionals.

Most significantly, with this achievement, Dr. Corpuz is now more than inspired and committed to deliver the ISO 9001:2015 certification to TUP Manila, considering the full support of the top management and majority of the stakeholders of the University. This certification project is spearheaded by the Quality Assurance Office, which he currently leads, under the Planning, Development, and Information System (PDIS) sector.