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TUPM Identifies Sixteen (16) Certified ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditors

One of the significant milestones of the ISO 9001:2015 certification project in TUP Manila is the conduct of the Internal Audit Training, which aims to establish the Internal Audit Team (IAT) composed of highly competent individuals. The IAT serves as the police of the University Quality Management System (QMS) who shall eventually conduct internal audits at planned intervals in the University, hence, it is highly important to equip them with high proficiency on the ISO 9001:2015 QMS requirements and ISO 19011:2011 auditing principles standards, respectively.

The Quality Assurance/Accreditation Office and QuickSolve Systems Network Incorporated, the management consultant of TUP Manila, facilitated the said training course last July 21, 24, 25, and 26, 2017 at 4th floor CAP Bldg., TUP Manila Campus. Dr. Ralph Sherwin A. Corpuz, Director of Quality Assurance / Quality Management Representative (QMR) served as Resource Person during the ISO 9001:2015 Awareness Seminar for Internal Auditors on July 21, 2017 (Day 0), while Mr. Charlie G. Labrador of QuickSolve Systems Network Inc. served as overall Internal Audit Training Tutor from July 24-26, 2017 (Day 1-Day 3). There were initially a total of twenty nine (29) participants, duly nominated by their immediate supervisors (Process Owners).

On Day 0, Dr. Corpuz elaborated the clauses of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, giving emphasis on the intent of each clause to the internal audit procedure. He also briefed the participants about the members of the QMS core group, the timeline of the project, and the strategies that shall be implemented in the succeeding months.

Mr. Labrador, on the other hand, facilitated the formal Internal Audit Training for straight 3 days. On Day 1, Mr. Labrador lectured on the principles of auditing, effective skills and responsibilities of auditors, and different phases of audit while Dr. Corpuz shortly oriented the participants about how they were evaluated based on the results of continuous assessment and final examination. On Day 2, the topics covered then were the identification of nonconfomities, corrective action and follow up audit procedures.

To ensure that the participants were engaged with meaningful experiences on auditing terminologies and concepts, the participants have undergone intensive workshops in all lessons covered during Day 1 and 2 where they answered case studies by identifying nonconformities. The participants also prepared audit plan, checklists, and practiced filling up internal audit report and corrective action report forms.

Meanwhile, on Day 3, the participants were grouped by two's to conduct mock audit to selected processes/offices. The results of their mock audits were presented to the class with the Internal Audit Tutor and QMR sitting as evaluators to determine the readiness and competence of the participants as potential Internal Auditors.

After the training course, the participants were subjected to a highly competitive online examination that aimed to determine their competence and proficiency of the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 19011:2011 standards. The final exam was facilitated by sets of questionnaire, where the participants were given as much as three trials to establish a minimum required grade.

Out of 29 participants, only 16 have successfully passed both the continuous assessment and final examination results. The certified ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditors of TUP Manila include Purabella R. Agron, Jennifer D. Andador, Jovebless D. Dave, Eileen C. Dakiapo, Dr. Kevien P. Cabarrubias, Engr. Benedicto N. Fortaleza, Dr. Melito A. Baccay, Dr. Emelita R. Nuyda, Engr. Heronafine C. De Guzman, Jerson A. Monsad, Francisco D. Esponilla II, Dorothy D. Manalansan, Priscilla M. Sotelo-Bator, Ma. Ian P. De Los Trinos, Lean Karlo S. Tolentino and Dr. Mary Sheenalyn P. Rodil.

The new certified Internal Auditors of the University are expected to conduct the official quality internal audit on later week of August to first week of September 2017. Purabella R. Agron, Head of Internal Control Office, is designated as Internal Audit Team Leader while Dr. Ralph Sherwin A. Corpuz as ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor who shall conduct second-party audit to externally provided services.