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Team QA/A Conducts ISO 9001:2015 QMS Validation Seminar Workshop

In line with the ongoing ISO 9001:2015 certification project, the Quality Assurance/Accreditation Office conducted the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) Validation Seminar Workshop last July 11-14, 2017 at 4th Floor CAP Bldg., TUP Manila. The seminar workshop aimed to validate, improve, and finalize the documented information deliverables of the University QMS pursuant to the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

This activity was participated by Process Owners and Document Custodians of all 53 offices of the University, together with the ISO Team of TUP Cavite Campus. The participants were clustered based on their relevance to the scope of the QMS. Day 1 (July 11) included the core academic processes such as the College of Engineering, College of Industrial Technology, College of Industrial Education, College of Architecture and Fine Arts, College of Science, ETEEAP, Graduate Programs and External Studies, Academic Programs, and Education Resources and Development Services. Day 2 (July 12) was consisted of academic support services such as the offices of the University Registrar, Admission, Student Affairs, Guidance and Testing, Industrial Relations and Job Placement, University Library, National Service Training Program, Gender and Development, Sports, Cultural Affairs, and Alumni Relations.

Meanwhile, Day 3 (July 13) was participated by the offices under Research and Extension, Planning, Development, and Information System, and Office of the President Sectors such as the University Research and Development Services, University Extension Services, Integrated Research and Training Center, Technology Licensing Office, University Information Technology Center, International/Institutional Linkages External Affairs, Quality Assurance/Accreditation, University/Board Secretary, Internal Control, and Bids and Awards Committee. And lastly on Day 4 (July 14), the validation seminar workshop was attended by the Administration and Finance sector composed of the offices of Administrative Services, Motorpool, Dental Clinic, Medical Clinic, Auxiliary Services, Resource Generation, Finance Services, Accounting, Budget, Human Resource Management, Supply, Records, Procurement, Civil Security, and Infrastructure Development Unit.

Dr. Ralph Sherwin A. Corpuz, Director of Quality Assurance and the Quality Management Representative (QMR) discussed in details the documented information deliverables of the QMS such as the Quality Manual, Procedures and Work Instructions Manual, Standard Forms, Context of the Organization (COTO) Logs such as Quality Objectives Monitoring, Interested Parties and their Requirements, and Internal and External Issues Assessment. Each office or process was provided with working QMS Manual, which is a compilation of all documented information requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The participants actively suggested some edits to further improve the contents of the QMS manuals based on the current practices in their offices/processes, compliant to existing University policies, and to statutory or regulatory requirements. The working QMS manuals were then taken by Process Owners for further validation, suggestion, and recommendations. The validated QMS Manuals are expected to be finalized and implemented to all offices of the University in later part of August, pursuant to the ISO 9001:2015 certification project timeline.

The seminar workshop was facilitated by QA/A Team composed of Jovebless D. Dave, University Document Controller, Jennifer D. Andador, Technical Assistant, and Jacqueline E. Dapdap, and Arthur T. Benavidez, Administrative Staff.