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PASUC President Says CHED To Review NBC 461 Guidelines

PASUC President Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo announced that the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is already reviewing the NBC 461 guidelines for promoting faculty members in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and TESDA-supervised institutions during the 3rd Meeting of the Zonal Center Directors of NBC 461 held last November 27-28, 2018 at University of Southeastern Philippines, Davao City.

Dr. Ronquillo mentioned that the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has already instructed PASUC to revise or enhance the guidelines for promoting faculty members. The latest development of which he said is that PASUC has already submitted the enhanced guidelines with enhanced instruments for Common Criteria for Evaluation (CCE) and new instrument for Qualitative Contribution Evaluation (QCE) to the Office of Institutional Quality Assurance and Governance (OIQAG) of CHED.

On a brighter side, Dr. Ronquillo shared with the Zonal Center Directors and Coordinators the recent developments on the possible funding for the implementation of NBC 461 Cycle 7-A. He said that PASUC is working closely at present with the Congress and Senate on the estimated P2.9B budget needed to promote faculty members following Cycle 7-A printouts.

On the other hand, the Zonal Center Directors and Coordinators have met three times this year to enhance the NBC 461 guidelines, discuss issues and concerns on the uniform implementation of NBC 461 guidelines, and other matters such as guidelines for accreditation of full professors. This year, the Zonal Center officials had their first meeting in April 2018 at Cebu Normal University, Cebu City to draft the PASUC Manual of Operations and enhanced 8th Cycle instrument for CCE. In May 2018, the Zonal Center officials gathered to finalize the Zonal Center Manual and NBC 461 instruments.

The PASUC-NCR Zonal Center was represented by Dr. Melito A. Baccay, Zonal Center Director; Dr. Melbern Rose A. Maltezo, Zonal Coordinator; and Prof. Renato Butch R. Bituonan, Zonal QCE Coordinator. The said group was entrusted by the other Zonal Center officials to draft the new guidelines and instrument for the accreditation of full professors starting 8th cycle. The PASUC Zonal Center Meeting is attended by the Zonal Center Directors and Coordinators in all NBC 461 zonal centers nationwide who agreed to meet again on February 2019. At present, there are a total of 14 zonal centers in the country that processes faculty documents submitted for NBC 461.