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TUP-Visayas:Abounding In Topnochers Part 1

The TUP-Visayas Campus is a quaint and quiet place with plenty of trees giving the place much shade. It is an unexciting place that lacks most of the colors and sophistication to be found in most modern schools here and abroad, but the Campus sure packs some great punch when it comes to academic excellence.

In a letter sent to me by Dr. Norie Validor, Director of the TUP-Visayas, she informed me of the topnotchers from the said Campus. 

The Campus was ranked 10th by the Professional Regulations Commission among the top performing schools in the August, 2018 Mechanical Engineering Licensure Examination with a passing average of 80.30% or 106 out of 132 takers. 

In the Certified Plant Mechanic Board Exam, the Campus got the TOP 1 place with Dionisio Abancio Java III obtaining a passing percentage of 85.90, while Joffre Bando Libo-on got Top 4 with 81.05%. 

Congratulations to the Campus Director, Mam Nors, and to the faculty and staff of the Campus. Surely you care greatly for your students and their parents.