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Graduate Programs



  1. Submit the following requirements in a long brown envelope. Only complete and accomplished requirements will be processed.
    • Accomplished Application for Admission Form (TUP Graduate Program) The form can be downloaded at the TUP website
    • An essay of not less than 100 words stating the applicant's reason for applying in the program. (To be written/typewritten at the back of the Application for Admission Form)
    • Certified True Copy of the Transcript of Records
    • Two (2) sealed recommendation letters The recommendation letter should describe the applicant's qualifications and potential for successfully completing graduate studies at TUP. It may also include comments and relevant insights such as on the applicant's character and outstanding skills/talents in line with the program applied for.
    • Three (3) passport size pictures with name tag on white background
    • Certificate of English proficiency as second laguage (for foreign student applicants only)
    • Application requirements should be submitted to the:
      Director, Graduate Program
      Technology University of the Philippines
      Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila, 1000 Philippines
      Telephone No. (02)301-3001 loc. 704
  2. After passing the initial evaluation of application requirements, secure and accomplish the TUP Graduate Program Admission Test (TUPGPAT) Application Form at the Office of Graduate Program, 2/F CAP Building.
  3. Present the TUPGPAT Application From to the cashier's office for payment.
    • Master's Program - P900.00
    • Doctoral Program - P1,050.00
  4. Proceed to the Guidance Office, G/F CLA Building and present the Official Receipt (O.R.) with the TUPGPAT Application Form for scheduling.
  5. On the scheduled date and time of exmination indicated in the form, present the Official Receipt (O.R.) with the TUPGPAT Application Form to the administering officer/proctor at the Guidance Office, G/F CLA Building.
  • Submission deadlines will be strictly observed.
  • Venue of the entrance examination is at the Guidance Office, G/F CLA Building.
  • Names of the successful examinees will be posted at the TUP Website at the Office of Graduate Program.