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College of Science



By virtue of Presidential Decree No. 1518, the Philippine College of Arts and Trades (PCAT) was converted into the Technological University of the Philippines (TUP) on June 11, 1976. The conversion to a university status brought about comprehensive changes in the organizational set-up. To carry out its tasks, the University had to change its one-college structure to a system composed of six colleges, one of which is the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). The CAS was created in 1979 with its four departments, namely: the Languages, the Social and Behavioral Sciences, the Mathematics and Physical Sciences, and the Physical Education.

In 1991, the College was mandated to perform dual roles: as a service college and as a science college. On July 24, 1995, the TUP Board of Regents through Referendum No. 13, s. 1995 approved the devolution of some Master Programs of the Graduate School to the mother colleges. Since then, the granting of the degrees in the Master of Arts in Teaching with specializations in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and General Science has become the responsibility of the College of Arts and Sciences.

On September 15, 1995, the University Board of Regents authorized to split the College of Arts and Sciences into the College of Science and the College of Liberal Arts. The new College of Science was structured to include graduate programs in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and General Science. The college also offers five (5) baccalaureate programs, namely: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Bachelor of Applied Science Major in Laboratory Technology.


To attain the vision, mission and goals of the University, the College aims to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Sustain the role of the College as TUP's premiere mover in science and mathematics via keeping pace with the University in moving onwards as a model of excellence in engineering and technology education.
  • Engage actively in the University's efforts to acquire, generate and develop sufficient and state-of-the-art physical resources and facilities for instruction and research in science and mathematics.
  • Develop curricular programs in science and mathematics which are relevant and responsive to the needs of the present times.
  • Evaluate existing curricular programs based on their cost-effectiveness, relevance, responsiveness, and global competitiveness.
  • Focus staff development programs on the pursuit of higher level of knowledge and skills in science and mathematics to enhance outputs in the areas of instruction, research, extension, and production.
  • Provide for more active and productive involvement of faculty in the areas of research, extension, and production with focus on strengthening the major role of science and mathematics along multidisciplinary dimensions and areas.
  • Promote strong linkages and networking within the various units, sectors, and campuses of the University as well as with related organizations, institutions and agencies both public and private.

  • Trunk Line: (+63 2) 301.3001
Name & Designation Office Local No.
Dr. Hasmin Ignacio 
Dean's Office 608
Prof. Carlo Angelo Pelonia College Secretary  
Prof. Ma. Teresa F. Mandi 
Mathematics Department 605
Prof. Maria Carmelita G. Sapina 
Chemistry Department 610
Prof. Jervie M. Oliveros
Physics Department 611
Prof. Maria Carmela Francisco 
Computer Studies Department