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College of Architecture and Fine Arts Page

College of Architecture and Fine Arts


The roots of the College of Architecture and Fine Arts (CAFA) can be traced from the drawing subjects required in all courses offered by the University since 1907. The college has been a consistent contributor in the University’s achievements and recognition in various art competitions both local and abroad. The CAFA also produces top passers in the Licensure Examination given by the Professional Regulations Commission. Presently, the college is composed of three departments, namely: Architecture, Fine Arts, and Graphics. Furthermore, the college offers advance studies in the Graduate Programs: Master in Architecture (Major in Construction Technology Management) and Master in Graphics Technology.


The College ot Architecture and Fine Arts (CAFA) develops competitive architects, artist, designers and draftsmen for industry and related sectors toward an improved quality of life.


After 3-5 years, the graduates of the program are expected to:

  • Attain highly level of technical skills in their chosen profession.
  •  Acquire a lifelong learning actively such as progressive leadership in applied research development studies in the areas of Arts, Design, and Architectural fields and production.
  • Commit in professional services to effect/impart technology transfer in assisting the development of small and medium industries to contribute to national development.